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![]() The shortest and "mysterious" TH algorithm |
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All the information about a move in the minimum-number-of-moves TH solution is hidden in the binary representation of the number of that move! From this representation one can determine the starting and the destination pegs (poles), which disk is being moved, and the configuration of all three pegs after the move.
Contents: Starting and destination pegs Speed Number of the disk being moved Distribution of disks among the pegs Download the code |
This algorithm is definitely fast (about 5.5 to 9 times faster than my
Algorithm 4 for the platforms mentioned below).
For the purpose of comparing CPU times of the "bare" algorithms,
I have removed the printout of moves as before (otherwise the CPU
time is about the same for all algorithms with the same printf statements):
The remainder operator (%) is very slow for some compilers.
i%3 can be replaced by (i+i/3)&3 which gives the same result:
void main(void)
int n, x, to, fr;
for (x=1; x < (1 << n); x++) {
/* printf( "move from pole %i to pole %i.\n", to, fr ); */
void main(void)
int n, x, i, to, fr;
for (x=1; x < (1 << n); x++) {
i=x&x-1; fr=(i+i/3)&3;
i=(x|x-1)+1; to=(i+i/3)&3;
/* printf( "move from pole %i to pole %i.\n", to, fr ); */
See some more discussion in the comments of the file hBits.c.
Number of the disk being moved
To some extent the above code if fast because it provides less information about each
move than other algorithms. What can be added easily is the number of the
disk being moved. It is by 1 larger than the number of the rightmost
consecutive "0" bits of x. This can be proved using recursion.
In the final code below, the number of the moved disk is calculated by
an additional for loop, and is placed in variable j:
main(int argc, char *argv[])
int n, x, fr, to;
unsigned int i, j;
n = atoi(argv[1]);
for(x=1; x < (1 << n); x++) {
i=x&x-1; fr=(i+i/3)&3;
i=(x|x-1)+1; to=(i+i/3)&3;
for(i=x, j=1; ; i>>=1, j++) { if(i&1) break; }
/* printf( "move disc %i from %i to %i\n", j, fr, to ); */
See some more discussion in the comments of the file hBits.c.
We can get more: the distribution of disks among the pegs
The above code gives information about the position of one disk (the
one that was moved) after each move. From the bits of the same move
number x, one can also get the information
about the complete configuration of disks on all three pegs after each
move. That is, without having to do all the moves from the beginning?
This has been known for at least 19 years.
The code to extract this configuration from x is rather complicated. If one is interested in the whole
minimum solution, the following "hybrid" approach gives faster code:
use three more integers (p[0], p[1] and p[2] below) to store in their
bits the current disk configuration on each peg. It is easier to
store the disks "upside-down" - the right-most bit used to indicate
the presence of the upper-most disk, etc. The presence of a disk on
a peg corresponds to 1, absence to 0.
Using the information obtained from x, one has to move
a bit between two pegs in each move, and we have to do all
the moves from the beginning to get the current configuration:
Just adding one more bit shift in the inner for loop (with the whole output block removed) slows down the code 3.2 to 4 times! If one also performs all the operations needed to generate the printout, and removes only the calls to printf (PR), there is a further 3.5-fold increase in CPU time (from 85.9 to 298.8 sec for the DEC machine - not shown in the above table).
Download the code
C code for the above bit-based algorithms is in files hBits*.c
(with the printout commented out) in this zip archive
(hBits00.c and hBits0.c can easily be made by editing